Steps to set up carry forward leave
1) Enter Leave (Pro) main screen. Tap on the setting icon at the top right screen.
2) Choose "Leave Types Management", then select the leave type to enable the carry forward setting.
3) Enable the "Carry Forward" option.
We provided 2 options to set the "Max duration to carry forward". It is either determines by "Day" or "Percentage of Quota". Enter the details based on the type that suits you.
4) Set the expiry duration.
5) Finally, remember to Tap "Update" to save the changes.
1) Explanation and calculation of the carry forward type "Day" and percentage.
Employee XYZ have
-Annual quota: 12 days
-Boost by length of service: Entitled to get 3 days
-Boost by Group: None
-Boost by Individual: 2 days
Total leave balance entitled: 17 days
His balance remaining on 31 Dec was 9 days.
Type "Day"
If the admin set max duration to carry forward= 6 days, then a total of 6 days would be carried forward and 3 days will be burnt automatically.
Type "Percentage"
If the admin set max duration to carry forward= 50% of the total quota(Annual quota + extra boost), then employee XYZ can carry forward (17 days * 50% = 8.5) 8.5 days to the following year, 0.5 days will be burnt automatically.
2) When should I utilize my carry forward leave balance?
-Let's say your company has set the "Expiry duration" to 6 months, then the expiry date would be 30th June. After 30th June, all the carry forward balance will be burnt automatically.
3) What would happens if I withdraw or the approver rejected my leave applied after the expiry date?
-The carry forward balance will be burnt automatically.