Employee Without Account Join Company Process - Web
Created by: EasyWork Team
Modified on: Wed, 6 Sep, 2023 at 2:38 PM
Welcome to EasyWork! We are glad to see you join us with our journey!
In this tutorial you are expected to see the guides on how employee without an account can join their company in EasyWork.
There are three different types of methods to apply depending on the scenario. The first one will be Joining via Company Invitation Email, Joining via Invitation Link shared by admin and Entering Company's Invite URL manually upon sign up.
- The following tutorial are for employee without an account, if you have an account please proceed to this page, https://support.easywork.asia/en/support/solutions/articles/44002475430-employee-with-account-join-company-process-web
- If you are looking for guide to join company in EasyWork Mobile App, you may check out this page, https://support.easywork.asia/en/support/solutions/articles/44002475451-employee-without-account-join-company-process-mobile-app
Join Company via Invitation Email
Employee will receive an email if admin invited them by manually enter their email. The email will be send out from us with the subject of "You’re invited to join (your company name) on EasyWork!" Click on the "Sign Up" Button to set up your password and verify your email in EasyWork.
Set up your password for your EasyWork account with the expected requirements, More than 8 letters, 1 Uppercase Latter and 1 Lowercase Letter. After setting up your password, you will need to proceed to verify your email again with the 6 digits verification code that will be sent to your email. After everything is set, you will be able to log in to your account with the email and the password you've set!
Join Company via Invitation Link shared from admin
If you receive an invitation link shared from your admin which resembles the following :
"You are invited to join EasyWork! Please follow the link below to join company : https://hub.easywork.asia/auth/join/link?invite_code=49929ab92888", just click on the link.
Once you do, you will be redirected to a webpage where you can fill in required information to send a request to join your company.
After clicking "Join Company" Button you will need to verify your email to successfully send a request to join the company. 
You may notify your admin that you had sent a request to join the company. You will need them to process (approve or reject) your request before proceeding to the next step. Rest assured, you will receive an email from us to notify you that your request had been Approved or Rejected.
If you received the email, click on "Set Password" Button to set up your password that will be used in EasyWork.
Finish the process by setting up your password that matches the requirements and you will be good to go!
Entering Company's Invite URL manually
If you signed up an account with us manually through our Sign Up page , and had successfully landed to the dashboard. You are expected to look at a webpage that look like this.
Click on the "Join as Employee" Button to proceed.
If you receive a link that look something like this "xxx.easywork.asia/invitation/vialink/49929ab92888" from your admin, paste it in the Invite URL field. If you do not have the link, you may request from your admin, they should be able to view the link from their "Employee Management" Page.
Your first name and last name will be filled automatically with the data that you had submitted initially when signing up your account. Remarks field are optional to fill in, it will be a piece of information that will better help your admin to identify you and process you to join the company.
Click on "Send Request" Button to send your join company request to your admin.
You may notify your admin that you had sent the request to join your company in EasyWork. You will received an email if they had process your request. After they approved your request, you will be able to see all the features from EasyWork when you launch EasyWork Web again.
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