The employee has resigned. You can either archive or permanently delete them.
Difference between archive and permanently delete
Archive: Their records like profile, employment details, and payslips would be kept. You still can access their records from EasyWork.
Once archived, the employee is no longer able to access the company. Please remind the employee to download all important forms like payslips and EA Forms before archiving.
Permanently delete: No records would be kept for the employees.
1) Archive employee
Here is the guideline for archive the employee
i) Access the employee profile
Menu Employee > Launch at Employee Management > Click on the employee > Employee Profile
ii) Click "Archive Employee"
iii) Select reason and last day of employment. Then confirm again.
iv) Archived successfully. The employee status turned to "Archived".

How to check archived employees
On the Employee Management page, click "Filter" > Select employment status "Archived"
You can click inside to view the employee's profile, employment details, and payroll related details.

2) Permanently delete employee
Here is the guideline for delete the employee
i) Access the employee profile
Menu Employee > Launch at Employee Management > Click on the employee > Employee Profile
ii) Click "Delete Employee" and confirm again.
iv) Deleted successfully. Once deleted, the employee will be removed from the company permanently. You also cannot find his records after deleted.
Remark: If you want to keep employee records, please do consider "Archive" option instead of delete.