The "Bulk Upload" feature allows you to mass update the existing employees' information or mass import new employees in a quick and effective way.

1) Menu HR > Employee > Click the "Bulk Upload" button.

2) Select the template. 

  • User info: For updating employee basic info
  • User info + payroll detail: Select this if you wish to update both the employee basic info and the payroll details.

3) Download the template.

4) Open the spreadsheet and fill up all the necessary info in the sheet "Personal Info". Fill up the info by following the instructions/format given on the sheet "Instructions".

5) Upload the spreadsheet. Please update the fields with the exact information accordingly if you encounter an error while uploading based on the error message returned.

6) In case, you have mass-imported new employees to the company, there are 2 conditions to be considered. Is the domain of the email verified? This is due to security concerns to avoid others from spamming our bulk import and inviting whatever person into his company.

a) For verified domains

eg, email address "". The domain "" has been verified by us. Hence, the system will direct create a new user and invite him to the company. A CSV file with the employees' login credentials would be sent to your email.

To apply for email domain verification, please contact our support:

b) For unverified domains

eg, email address "". The domain "" hasn't been verified by us. Hence, the system will send a verification email to the user and ask him to do the verification.

By clicking on the "Verify" button, the user will be asked to add his password for login. After done, we would create the account and invite the user to the company. User can then login to EasyWork by using hisemail and new password.