1) Launch to EasyWork Hub --> Navigating to sidebar menu and search for "Procurement " --> Click "Purchase Order". It launches on the Purchase Order page.

2) Click the "Create Purchase Order" button to proceed.

3) Fill in the form details as below:


  • Template: Optional. If you have saved some PO templates before, you can select them. It will fill in the form automatically. You just have to do a quick modification before submitting.
  • Title: Purchase order title.
  • Details: Purchase order description.
  • Bill To: The employee who should be listed on an invoice or as the party responsible for paying for goods or services.
  • Billing Address: An address to which the invoice will be sent.
  • Deliver To: The employee who should receive the goods or services.
  • Delivery Address: An address where the goods or services are to be delivered.
  • Cost Center: The spending should be counted on which cost center.
  • Supplier: Person or company that supplied the goods or services.
  • Item List: Enter the "Item Title", "Cost per item", "Item Tax (%)", and "Quantity ". The item cost and total amount will be calculated accordingly.
  • Attachments: Optional. For attaching the supporting document(s) if any.
  • Remarks: Thing to take notice of.
  • Save as New Template: If you want it to serve as a template.

4) Double confirm the details. 

- To submit the PO request for approval, click "Create" to proceed.

- To save as a draft, click "Save as Draft" to proceed 

5) Purchase order created successfully. You could find it on the purchase order listing.