To resend a new offer letter after the job offer being withdrawn or rejected, you can do it on EasyWork Hub.

Steps to Resend a New Offer Letter

1) Either HR or hiring manager can Launch to EasyWork Hub --> Navigating to sidebar menu and search for "Hiring" --> Click "Hiring" and select sub-menu "Candidates". 

2) On the candidate page, search the candidate and click "Process" to proceed. It will lead you to the candidate details page. 

3) Switch to the "Summary" tabClick the action button "Reoffer". And confirm again.

4) Status updated successfully and changed to "Rejected". 

5) Then, you can click on either "Request Offer" or "Prepare Offer" to continue. It is based on your company policy and requirement. To prepare an offer, only HR or admin can do it. If you are a hiring manager and wish to resend a new offer, please contact your HR/admin.

For example, the candidate rejects the offer due to his is dissatisfied with the benefits package or monthly salary offered. So, after the hiring manager has an offline conversation with him, he agreed to receive the offer if salary wages were increased to XXXX amount. In this case, the hiring manager has to send another job offer request to ask for the approval of the CEO or Director.