1) First of all, to launch to the Hiring Settings page, please navigate to sidebar menu and search for "Settings" --> Click sub-menu "Hiring". 

2) Then, navigate to the "Package" tab. To create a new hiring package, click on the "Create Package" button.

3) Enter the package name and saved it.

4) After that, it will pop up another modal box for you to add/update the benefit items. By default, the system will create some benefit items based on the Leave Pro and working hours. For example, in your company, you have the Annual Leave, Medical Leave and, Maternity Leave, then inside this package, you will have these 3 leave types.

Managing Benefit Item

5) To add benefit item, please click on the "+ Add" button. Another modal box, "Add Benefit", would prompt. Enter the title and value. Then, click "Add" to create new benefit item.

A new benefit has been added successfully.

6) To update benefit item, click on the "pencil" icon. Enter a new title or value and remember to click the "Save" icon to apply the changes. A successful message was returned and an update was applied.

7) To delete benefit item, click on the "dustbin" icon. Then confirm again to remove the item. A successful message returned. The item was removed from the package.