Difference between leave type tracked with “Balance” & “Usage”

In the leave balance section of LeavePro, the leaves can be tracked with balance or usage. Below will show the difference between balance and usage used to track the leaves.


  • Balance is used on prorated leaves or non-prorated leaves that have a quota to the leaves.

  • Balance indicates the current leave that the employee is entitled to use. For example, if the employee’s prorated leave balance is 3 days and the quota is 12 days, the employee is allowed to use 3 days of leave right now and the employee will have 9 days of leave balance for the rest of the 9 months with 1 day of leave per month. 


  • Usage is used on leaves that do not have a quota and can be used without worrying about the deduction of leave balance.

  • Usage indicates how many days of this leave has been used. For example, if the usage of maternity leave for an employee is 2 days, this indicates that this employee has used up 2 days for maternity leave. 

Guideline to set it

To set leaves that have a balance, set a positive number other than 0 in the annual quota column when creating a new leave type or updating an existing leave type. To set leaves that have usage, set the annual quota to 0 when creating a new leave type or updating an existing leave type.