Welcome to EasyWork Guide
EasyWork is an amazing Human Resource Management & Administrative Management System that allows SME company or organization to manage their integral work.
Here you have a step by step guide on “User Sign Up with Facebook”.
Login Page
Login > Register
- This will be the first screen you see when EasyWork has just been installed on your device.
- At the bottom left, there is a “Register” option. Tap on it.
In Register Screen
This is where you can register. There are multiple options for you to register an account.
- You may register an account through your email, phone number, or through Facebook or Google accounts.
Register via Facebook
Taps on “Register with Facebook” to continue.
- A message will pop up. Tap “Continue” to allow EasyWork to access your Facebook account.
At Facebook
You should now be led to the Facebook app or website.
- If you have previously logged in Facebook on the device, you can tap on “Continue as …” to proceeds.
- Otherwise, you will have to log in Facebook account first.
Register Successful
Upon successfully registered, you will be presented with this screen asking you to update your profile.
- Update now so that others can know you!
- Or you can skip it for another time.
Anyway, you are now all set. For the next step, you can start by Creating a company, or Joining a company.