Welcome to EasyWork Guide
EasyWork is an amazing Human Resource Management & Administrative Management System that allows SME company or organization to manage their integral work.
Here you have a step by step guide on “User Sign Up with Google”.
Login Page
Login > Register
- This will be the first screen you see when EasyWork have just been installed on your device.
- At the bottom left, there is a “Register” option. Tap on it.
In Register Screen
This is where you can register. There are multiple options for you to register an account.
- You may register an account through your email, phone number, or through Facebook or Google accounts.
Register via Google Accounts
If you choose to register via Google Account, tap Continue to allow EasyWork to access your account.
- In future, to log in with your account, you can use directly use “Continue with Google” options at Login Page.
Choose an Account
This is Google’s Account page, choose your preferred account here to sign up.
If you have never signed up a Google account on your device, just skip to the next step.
Proceed with the Account
You can sign in using your Google account here.
- Click the Next button if the email or phone is the one you want to use to sign in EasyWork.
Google Password
Enter the password of your Google account.
- Click the Next button to proceeds.
Register Successful
Upon successfully registered, you will be presented with this screen asking you to update your profile.
- Update now so that others can know you!
- Or you can skip it for another time.
Anyway, you are now all set. For the next step, you can start by Creating a company, or Joining a company.