EasyWork “Country” allows companies to manage their employees by the country of their office. There are a few benefits for having Country:
Choosing employees by filtering departments
Inviting specific departments for events
Inviting specific departments to participate in Polls
To add Country head over to Company Settings with the following steps:
EasyWork Home Screen > Side Menu ( Icon) > Company
Under “Country”, you will be given the option to add a new country with the icon on the top right corner. Here’s how you can do it:
Step 1 - Tap on the icon
Step 2 - Give your country a name
Step 4 - Tap on the country you just created
Step 5 - Tap on View Employees
Step 6 - Tap on “Add Employee”
Step 7 - Select the relevant employee
Step 8 - Tap Done
Complete. That is how you can create your company country.